What people say
About The Energy Codes® Coaching:
Hilde, Human Resource Manager, Norway
F., Psychologist and Body-Oriented Therapist
G.d.G., CHANGE-maker, Belgium
"Thank you dear Hannie for the profound Energy Codes coaching that I received from you. Even though I haven't known you for long, it feels as if I've known you my entire life. I felt such a deep connection during our conversations.
You are an incredibly good listener, infused with immense kindness, empathy, and human warmth. You allow someone to be themselves, let them speak fully, and you are completely present. When it's your turn to respond, you consistently amazed me with the power of the words you expressed. It was always spot on, as they say, as if you were a part of me.
I have now experienced the transformative power of Energy Codes coaching. It is a powerful method to create a deeper connection with my body. It has given me access to my own inner wisdom, allowing me to make decisions from a deeper inner knowing. In short, it has enriched my life.
I recommend everyone to come to you. I miss our connection and will definitely make another appointment soon.
Ook al ken ik je nog niet zo lang, toch is het alsof ik je al mijn hele leven ken. Zo’n diepe connectie voelde ik tijdens onze gesprekken.
Je bent een ongelooflijk, goede luisteraar, doorspekt met een immense vriendelijkheid, empathie en menselijke warmte.
Je laat iemand in zijn/haar waarde, laat hem/haar volledig uitpraten, je bent helemaal present. Wanneer je voelt dat het jouw beurt is om ‘iets’ terug te zeggen dan verbaasde je me telkens weer met de kracht van de woorden die je uitte. Je zat er altijd ‘boenk op” zoals ze zeggen. Alsof je een deel van mij was.
Ik heb de transformatieve kracht van de Energy Codes coaching nu ervaren.
Het is een krachtige methode om een diepere verbinding met mijn lichaam te creëren. Het heeft mij toegang gegeven tot mijn eigen innerlijke wijsheid, waardoor ik nu beslissingen neem vanuit een dieper innerlijk weten. Kortom, het heeft mijn leven verrijkt.
Ik kan iedereen aanraden om naar je toe te komen. Ik mis onze connectie en ga zeker binnenkort nog eens een afspraak maken.
Dankbare groeten.
A. Teacher, Netherlands
“Hannie Wiering is Dutch, but she lives in Belgium. However, this was not a problem for me as a Dutch person; the sessions were conducted via Zoom. By applying the breathing techniques I learned, I have gained more peace and focus, and I make better choices. Hannie is a good listener and asks the right questions. In a very pleasant way, I have been given the tools to better use my energy and focus. I have permanent benefit from this, because I always have the most important tool with me: my breath, my spirit.”
G., Chiropractor, Scotland
"It has been a pleasure working with Hannie as my coach. I highly recommend her gentle effective style. She brings genuine insight and an open loving nature to our interactions and has given me practical tools to improve my outlook and my effectiveness in the face of my day-to-day challenges/opportunities for growth."
Deanna, Real Estate Agent & Fine Artist, Florida, USA
Hannie is an amazing Energy Codes coach and such a kind person. She is professional and generous with her knowledge and time. When she works with you she shares all of her experience and education. She’s truly committed to helping you. I highly recommend her to anyone who is ready to make a positive change in their life. I know she has done this for me.
About HeartMath® Coaching:
Tinne, Hairdresser, Belgium
"For over ten years, I had physical complaints. To the doctors, these complaints were mostly vague, but for me they were annoying enough to be confronted with on a daily basis.
After years, a physiotherapist told me that I had to learn to "breathe with my belly". I started working on it but didn't feel much improvement.
Until one day, I started talking to Hannie and she reassured me that a lot could change, given the right approach.
n a very pleasant way Hannie taught me to calm down and to breathe correctly.
She gave me homework and tips for life.
To this day, I feel that I'm coping better with my days, and I really believe that my pain complaints will decrease due to heart coherence.
Hannie, I’m so glad to have met you. You do this with heart and soul, you are going to be able to help so many people.
A heartfelt merci."
Over de B.E.S.T. behandelingen
Karina Klaassen, Founder HAPPIBUZZ, Netherlands
Ulla, Founder SunJooga SunOlemus, Finland
You helped me tremendously when I was in a situation where I needed assistance. I was exhausted and running low on energy. Through your treatments, I found a lot of balance, love, and light. It also opened up future prospects, although it required taking steps forward while listening to my soul.
Truly, it's been a few months since the treatments, and my life has transformed. The exhaustion is behind me, and the reinvigoration has taken place.
Thank you so much for your wonderful support. I highly recommend Hannie's treatments to everyone. I should also mention that our meeting took place via Zoom since I live in Finland, and the energies transmitted remarkably well even through that medium.
Thank you for everything, Hannie.
With gratitude and love.
V. Grafisch vormgever, België
Ik leerde de werking van Hannie kennen via de website van dr Sue Morter.
Hannie gaf me een behandeling waarbij ze bij iedere stap duidelijk uitleg gaf . Ze nam zorgvuldig haar tijd om het visueel duidelijk te maken, onder andere aan de hand van illustraties. Ik voelde me volledig ontspannen tijdens haar behandeling. Dank je wel Hannie!
F.K., CC Manager Operational Excellence IDT, Netherlands
"As an outsider, but with a strong belief that there is more between heaven and earth, I came to your sessions. I resided too much in my head and couldn't get my thoughts in line, which also caused physical discomfort such as broken nights and dejection. In only three sessions, you were able to help me restore balance. Each time was a special experience and something beautiful happened. After the last session, the moment I stepped off the treatment table, I felt like a different person. My HeartMath scores went up in the following days and remained that way. I slept wonderfully and relaxed, but most importantly, I have found peace in my mind again.
It is a very special and beautiful experience, and I am very grateful that you were willing to help me. A warm recommendation for everyone. It helped me a lot, and I wish everyone the same.”
K.R. Travel agent, Belgium
"Thank you so much, dear Hannie, for the treatments and your dedicated efforts and tips!
You radiate warmth and confidence. I immediately felt safe and secure.
Nothing was too much for you. A sympathetic ear and incisive sensing brought new insights every time, and your warm voice is definitely an added value in guiding during the sessions!"
About the Art Workshops
Sophie Makker, Founder | Intuive business strategist
"Voor mijn online programma Elevate wilde ik een unieke beleving toevoegen aan het programma. De workshop ‘Intuïtief Schilderen’ vormde de perfecte invulling van een belevingsdag om dichter te connecten met onze intuïtie. Iedereen was dolenthousiast! De workshop daagde onze creativiteit uit en zorgde voor verbinding. Hannie zorgde ervoor dat we ons echte (He)artists voelden."
"De workshop-dag bij Hannie is in één woord fantastisch! Een warme hartelijke ontvangst (met drinken en div. lekkers erbij!) in een sfeervolle creatie-ademende ruimte.
De introductie en uitleg zijn helder. Vol enthousiasme gebracht. De ont-spanning om tot in-spanning van het schilderen te komen is voelbaar op alle niveau’s.
Tijdens de workshop van het schilderen moedigt Hannie aan, geeft feedback, deelt tips, daagt uit, helpt waar nodig als er blokkades opkomen. En dat alles in een liefdevolle, kalme atmosfeer, aangemoedigd door (geregeld) passende fijne en inspirerende muziek.
Als je overweegt om aan deze workshop deel te gaan nemen: DOEN! Je komt met een prachtig Kunstwerk van jezelf thuis. En bent meteen relaxt, gelouterd en gezuiverd van binnenuit."
V.F., Hand Surgeon & Fine Artist, Switzerland
"Hannie is someone who acts out of love and light. She is encouraging and she empowers others by owning her own story, knowing who she is, and by shining and standing in her truth and her power, by which she lifts up others.
For me, Hannie is like a soul sister, a friend and also a mother. She is consistent and present, and in her presence and from the universal energy of unconditional love, she opens up and provides others the space to evolve and grow, a space where real connection, growth, expansion of consciousness and healing can happen.
Hannie knows all about the secrets and magic you can find in painting. Art and painting are tools to practice being present, to express yourself creatively and freely, to share yourself and your voice and to show who you are. By expressing creatively and intuitively, you dive deep into the feminine energy, which is exactly what the world needs in these times. And in addition to this, painting is also a place to have fun, find joy and engage in pleasure, but also to let go, to release and to step out of your comfort zone. Hannie will guide you through."
"The workshop was so inspiring that I immediately wanted more.
You taught me how to navigate through all the barriers of limited beliefs about what I’m able to do and the way it should be done.
You also explained how the creative process works, which I definitely want to learn more about.
The creative process doesn't only happen on a canvas, although it is immediately visible there!
Thank you so much for generously sharing your experience and insights."
"Ik heb meerdere keren de workshop bij Hannie gevolgd en iedere keer brengt Hannie mij nog weer op een diepere laag naar mijn hart. Ze creëert een inspirerende sfeer die zeer ondersteunend is bij het schilderen vanuit je intuïtie. Ik ben met een schilderij naar huis gegaan, die mij iedere keer een glimlach op mijn gezicht geeft."
"Wat een leuke workshop! Voor mij allemaal vreemde mensen waartussen ik mij onmiddellijk ontspannen voelde. Hannie draagt daar zeker toe bij! Ze stelt iedereen gerust, geeft tips, motiveert, stimuleert en laat duidelijk voelen dat er niets fout kan gaan. Want dat wat je met je hart doet, doe je goed. Het was best moeilijk om mijn aandacht van mijn hoofd naar mijn hart te krijgen. Het was best moeilijk om te beginnen. Maar ondanks die kleine strubbels ben ik fier op het resultaat. Ik stond even stil bij mezelf, ik liet me leiden door de flow, ik hoorde iedereen wel eens zuchten of bedenkelijk kijken, ik heb genoten en ik zag dat ik niet de enigste was! De resultaten waren bij iedereen anders, heel uniek en o zo mooi!!❤️ Dit ga ik mezelf zeker nog eens kado doen!!"
Johanna and Jeanette
"We had a really great, loving, and engaging day. The welcome was warm and inviting. Hannie guided us to our hearts through music and a small meditation. Not airy-fairy, but it helped you to get out of your head and brought you closer to your intention. Her guidance in building the painting was surprising and very spacious. To work on professional canvas, with good paint, and other materials and tools made it possible to really experiment. Hannie’s approving encouragement brought out the best in us. As a result, everyone went home with a very personal and unique painting.”