About me

As a child, I often struggled with homesickness, a feeling that I couldn't quite put my finger on. I felt guilty for feeling this way because I had no real reason to - I grew up in a loving, caring household with supportive parents and a sister, and I lacked for nothing. Yet there was always a sense of something missing. I had questions and was searching for deeper answers, asking myself "who am I and what am I here to do?”

Unfortunately, no one could give me the answers I was looking for, and spiritual development was still a foreign concept at that time. I went to Leiden University after finishing the PABO in The Hague, studying Social Sciences and specializing in the education and development of adults. I hoped that psychology, philosophy, and sociology classes would help me find the answers I was looking for. After four years, I graduated and titled my thesis the title "The Path is Wiser than the Signpost." It was as close as I'd come to finding an answer.
Na de PABO in Den Haag ging ik naar de universiteit in Leiden om binnen de Sociale Wetenschappen Pedagogie en Andragogie (vorming en ontwikkeling van volwassenen) te studeren. Bij de vakken psychologie, filosofie en sociologie dacht ik wel te kunnen vinden wat ik zocht.
Na vier jaar ben ik afgestudeerd, waarbij ik mijn eindscriptie de titel had gegeven: “De Weg is Wijzer dan de Wegwijzer”. Dichter dan bij dit antwoord was ik niet gekomen.

As a pioneer in the field of spiritual development - since there was no established path just yet - I started to pave my own path in finding my truth. After attending numerous inspiring retreats, training sessions and courses, one insight after the other revealed itself to me.


In 2015, I began painting without any prior experience. I learned the Art of Creation from artists from all over the world. Within a year and a half, I sold my first painting, which was destined for Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles. It was a dream come true! I now offer art workshops where non-artists are amazed at what they're capable of creating. Everyone is an artist - whether they're aware of it or not.

Once I learned that art is being in service of something bigger than myself and that true art comes from the heart, I took a training course at the HeartMath Institute in the United States. There I learned all about heart-brain coherence. It's been scientifically proven that deeper intelligence and wisdom comes from the heart. This training not only helped me take my art to the next level, but it also enabled me to coach people who want to tap into this wisdom within themselves.

Through the work of Dr. Sue Morter, from the Morter Institute of BioEnergetics in the United States, the last pieces of the puzzle fell into place. Dr. Sue Morter bridges the gap between ancient wisdom and science. I now approach life from a much broader perspective and have learned how to tap into my own resources, including my intuition, gut feelings, heart, mind, and so much more. It’s a new world for me, being tapped into that infinite wisdom, being able to move on it without waiting for an external authority. I have created the life I always dreamed of, I am empowered to be my authentic self, and coach others who wish to do the same. I am eager to share everything I've learned with them so they can create the life they dream of and become their own genius.

Curious for more? Check out my video, “From my heart to yours”.

Music: Relaxing Ballad
Musician: Alexander Nakarada
Site: https://freepd.com
License: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode

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Music: Relaxing Ballad
Musician: Alexander Nakarada
Site: https://freepd.com
License: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode