Intuitive Painting
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field, I’ll meet you there.”
-Rumi (poet and Sufi mystic)
Wil je graag samen met vrienden, familie of collega’s een transformerende, creatieve workshop volgen in Hoogstraten?
Dat kan al vanaf 4 personen tot maximaal 10 personen.
Het is een volledig verzorgde dag, inclusief alle materialen, koffie/thee/drankjes/snacks en lunch voor €179,00.
Ik geef ook VIP één-op-één workshops helemaal op maat.
Daarnaast verzorg ik op vraag van bedrijven ook workshops op (team)belevingsdagen of live-dagen.
Neem contact op om de mogelijkheden te bespreken en je eigen workshop te plannen!
Creativity is an innate gift that resides within each of us, but too often it remains unexplored and untapped. What may get in the way is, trying to meet the expectations of others, setting the bar high for yourself, running out of time because it's never enough, constantly comparing yourself... In other words, the pressure is high and the creativity you need doesn't get a chance.
In this workshop, you will learn to unleash your creativity and to express it in an inspiring way. You will reconnect with your heart, learn how to be guided by your heart and witness the wonders that unfold on your canvas.
At the end of the afternoon, you will not only have created a beautiful work of art, but you will have also laid the foundation for a more creative and authentic life. The principles you learn in painting can be applied to all aspects of your life, whether it be at work, at home, or in your relationships. These are scientific and spiritual principles.
In fact, a painting paints itself. You will learn how this works during the workshop.
You don't have to bring anything for the workshop, everything will be provided for you.
The day looks like this:
We will meet each other with coffee/tea and cake. Introduction to the secrets of painting: “The Art of Creation”
The Genius©. “There is a Genius in each and every one of us, ready to arise.” Through this model you learn how to easily get in touch with your own creative Genius and how this leads to your own masterpiece. The rest of the afternoon you will receive more inspiring input that will help you create your own art. You will also learn something about composition and how to create your own composition.
At day's end you will go home with a unique and authentic painting.
Contact form
Inclusief alle materialen, koffie, thee, drankjes, lunch en tussendoortjes. Kom je samen met iemand voor de Zomerworkshop, dan krijg je een korting van € 25,00